Review of The Omen

The Omen (2006)
9 June 2006
Cast: Bad Acting: Bad Plot: Un-developed and bad Direction: Mediocre in places, otherwise bad Score: Bad Costumes: Bad Sets: Really Bad

This is a bad bad film, I hate to say it but I enjoyed recent remake fodder House of Wax and Amityville Horror better than this. the plot was very, very slow, characters had no development. For some reason Ambasador Thorne lives in a castle which appears larger than Buckingham Palace in the middle of a country estate with acres of green land, which the title card kindly informs us is 'London'. This patronizing moment sums up most of the film. When the character's die, you feel no compassion for them because they are so 2D and lifeless. In some horror films this doesn't matter because you at least get a good gore fest or a good villain, but not in this. No action, nomomentum, no decent preformaces. Rubbish.

In short this is a terrible film. Hollywood, please stop wasting money on pointless remakes and plough some dough into an original idea.
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