Excellent character driven story!
6 June 2006
I enjoyed it! By now, some of us are pretty jaded when it comes to CG movies. Over the Hedge ought to make you think twice.

The digital rendering of facial expressions have come a long way since the early days and Over the Hedge gets it right by giving us subtlety instead of fireworks. This movie features some of the most expressive and well-"acted" characters I've seen in a while.

All the actors used their voices to great effect showing again that a where all the characters are CG, the vocal acting skills are all-important. A special shout out has to go to Steve Carell whose Hammy is a wonderful gas and also to Bruce Willis who (drained of the needless machismo he usually plays his roles with) gives us a wonderfully charismatic RJ the Racoon.

A superb family film. Definitely worth collecting on DVD.
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