Review of Daredevil

Daredevil (2003)
One of the worst movies in history!
3 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I am a fan of the genre, made it a point to catch "Batman" movies, "X-Men," "Spiderman," etc. etc. This movie, however, is horrible. The plot is thin, the characters are ridiculous, the special effects are insulting (not in their execution, but in the way that special effects for "Chalie's Angels: Full Throttle" were insulting), and the acting is bad. Perhaps the only exception as far as acting is concerned is Ben Affleck. Yes, I can't believe that I am saying this either, but Ben Affleck is actually good, but not good enough to save this train-wreck of a film.

I read a fellow reviewer's comments, saying that one should watch the Director's Cut, because it adds 30 minutes which make the rest of the film "make more sense." No disrespect, but I can't imagine a more terrible fate than to watch 30 extra minutes of this movie. The movie didn't need to make sense, it made enough sense, it was just bad.

The part where Colin Farrell (Bullseye) faces off against Ben Afflleck (Daredevil) by breaking glass gymnast-style then catching the falling shards one by one and shooting them at the hero like, what can one say about a scene like that without descending into inappropriate language? Perhaps only: "highly unlikely."

To top it off, the movie ends with the slaughter of a fly via a finger-flicked scalpel by a paralyzed and fully bandaged Bullseye. He then says "bullseye!" in self-appreciation of his kill...roll credits! I want my money back, I want my time back!
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