Impressive movie!
28 April 2006
In a near future, a filthy dictator, Adam Sutler, reigns by terror on British Empire. But, a mysterious masked avenger who spelled him "V" has decided to fight again dictator's power. By chance, he saves a young pretty woman working in a TV chain, Evey Hammond, from an aggression by a group of Sutler's pigs. Evey becomes gradually V's best ally for his fight against Sutler. She shall realize, after V's death, what he has planed to liberate British people from Sutler's dictatorship, the British parliament destruction. In spite of the fact that V his a true terrorist, it's impossible not to find him sympathetic. His fight against the dictatorship gives us an impression of justice and calls our minds past and actual situations. The movie realization is very impressive as well as the special effects. The only reproach I can do will be about sound level that is at times too strong.
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