Lost: Walkabout (2004)
Season 1, Episode 4
A Miracle
2 April 2006
The survivors find that they do not have any food and John Locke organizes a peccary hunting with Kate Austen and Michael Dawson. Sayid Jarrah builds some antennas, trying to locate the source of transmission of the distress signal, and Kate offers to install them. Jack decides to burn the bodies since they are attracting wild animals to the survivor's base.

"Walkabout" is a great episode where the past of John Locke is disclosed. The story is very well constructed, there is a miracle in the end, and the characters are becoming very dense. The community of the survivors seems to begin to reduce the intolerance among them and respect each other. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "Walkabout"

Note: On 18 March 2013, I saw this episode again.
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