Review of Spanglish

Spanglish (2004)
A fine romance
13 February 2006
Unlike earlier contributors, I found the loose nature of the storytelling in this movie to be refreshing. Life is not simple. Lots of things happen in the timespan depicted in this movie. Some are resolved, some not.

The characters are a little one-dimensional, but that is par for the course. Paz Vega's Flor seems to do little actual work. And would someone as hard nosed as Tea Leone's Mrs Klasky have hired her on such an interview? But these are minor quibbles.

What is terrific is that this movie manages to steer clear of the usual cliché ending. I admire the self-confidence of the script in this. Though we all love a happy ending, life does not often provide them.

The two teenage girls will have, I hope, a long and distinguished career in films. Their performances are worth the rental fee even without the surprise that Adam Sandler can actually act and that Cloris Leachman has lost none of her ability.

Watch this film.
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