Review of The Matador

The Matador (2005)
Nearly a 2 Hour Trailer
21 January 2006
Wow, I still feel like somewhere along the line, I got conned with a 118 minute trailer. I keep trying to remember more about the movie, but nothing really strikes me as all that memorable. I do remember thinking "Wow, Hope Davis isn't as nearly as annoying as usual" and then saying to myself " You know, Greg Kinnear really was great as the original host on Talk Soup, but boy he sure can play a straight and narrow white guy pretty well too". All in all the movie felt like kinda BLAH. You know I normally have so much to say about a flick, but tonight after spending another 10 bucks to see what junk Hollywood keeps lobbing my way, I feel somewhat upset. Brosnan like everyone else, does a fairly good job, although his character seems trapped in a sea of vulgar (now that's a word you'll never see me write, as foul mouthed as I am) one liners (the 13yo kid behind me loved each one). Yes; the movie is somewhat funny, I'm not going to lie, I did crack a smile every now and then, I think I even laughed at one point. But it lacked something to make it really pop. The premise was good enough, Aging Hit-man meets Down on his luck "Normal" Guy, then it kinda sucked all the air out of the room. Like I said the performances where rather good - the Margerhitas looked tasty - I didn't see a boom throughout the whole thing. But something definitely got lost in the translation from script to screen (or at least I hope it did).
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