Review of Tamara

Tamara (2005)
Answering T James' comment
12 January 2006
As a matter of fact, many people have probably seen this movie, same as me. Why? Because it's already been released on DVD - in Brazil, at least. It's not that good, sorry... although it's not completely awful, as well. It's a decent pastime, if your expectations are not too high. The girl is really pretty and I'd like to see her in some other movies. (This, in fact, is the end of my comment, but since I have to write at least 10 lines for it to be accepted, I hope you don't mind me telling you that I'm kind of a horror fan. I've watched lots and lots of horror flicks, and this one wasn't exactly original. It feels like a TV show episode; think "Buffy", only not half as good; more like "Charmed", maybe.)
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