Review of Saw II

Saw II (2005)
Surprised and Impressed
25 November 2005
From the moment I stepped in,to the moment I walked out of the theater,I did not speak.This movie took my breath away and through me for some spins.I am very surprised and impressed that a sequel was as good as the original.

The plot was good.The twist was good.The opening was breathtaking.Even the trailers were great.The most horrifying scene in cinema history is the "Venus Fly Trap".Its one of those things you cannot get out of your mind.The gun trap was creative.The oven trap made ME burn.The needle pit was cringe-worthy.The glass box trap was extremely interesting.The twist was so unexpected.

There are only a few things that disappointed me.The fact that there was not any more traps and the fact that we couldn't have heard all of the tapes.I also didn't like that the trailers for this movie were so revealing.But other than that,this movie was perfect.It for sure broke the curse that sequels are worse than the original.I am definitely rooting for 3.
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