Dear God, it was AWFUL
3 November 2005
And just so you know, I am not the sort who sees every movie over 30 years old as "boring". I love cop films- particularly ones that have some of the "greatest chase scenes ever made" and narcotics cops. I love Dirty Harry, the old westerns, Citizen Kane, Casablanca, Apocalypse Now and Do the Right thing. And this comment goes without any arrogance- I think I pretty much like the really "good" films in general- or at least can appreciate their good acting or script, even if it isn't my cup of tea. For example, "The African Queen".

But this was a sloppy, dull, SLOW, incoherent poorly done mess. Yes, a mess. I quite pity Roger Ebert giving this 4 out of 4. My lord, am I the only one who noticed that a chase scene begins at night and finishes in broad daylight? Did they run all night? They must have superb stamina. It could barely hold my attention, but not because not loads was going on- I can appreciate films with a slow build up where the director seems to actually know what was going on. But here? I think not. How on earth- and I really mean this- did this win Oscars for best screenplay, picture, editing and direction? OK, Gene Hackman did well with his awful script. But please, Dirty Harry was a far more interesting, well written, directed, character driven movie- an action film, sure, but one that shows how a normal cop can turn into an obsessive wreck over one criminal. Sure, Gene Hackman hated druggies with a passion in this film, but not in nearly as engrossing fashion.

Seriously, this is a huge warning, MISS THIS FILM. Its a drab mess.

4 out of 10
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