Comment on a film when you're less excited
11 October 2005
After hearing about another installment of the Living Dead movies, I was excited, after seeing the movies and remakes, I wasn't sure how it would appeal to the new audience, or how it would have a social commentary or how it would be about, I only heard it would have things Romero wanted to do for Day of the Dead, but couldn't do it because of the cost, and space. So after hearing that, I wasn't sure what to believe, more of a mixture of emotions, will it fail or will it capture the feel of the old movies(especially with the idea of running zombies nowadays). But after seeing it, I must say it truly was a Romero film, and it was excellent, though maybe to others it wouldn't(thanks to today's zombie movies, but I think they are okay), but still it had the feel somehow, it had a bit of a social commentary of what America(maybe the world) has become, like the idea of the rich being in big buildings protected and the electric fence around it, keeping the zombies out, but it has also become almost like a prison for the people in it. But the idea of the dead being able to communicate and use weapons, well it wasn't bad(there was a zombie that uttered a word, almost in Day right?), it looked a lot more impressive than running zombies in my opinion. The only problems I have, is that it didn't have enough time to explain the story of the characters in the film and not enough of them were interesting, well I think the zombies were very interesting, so was Cholo and Kaufman, but others seemed very predictable. Overall a decent horror film, and it shows in my opinion that there is still light on Romero's Dead films. be sure to spot Tom Savini reprising Blades of Dawn of the Dead albeit a zombie, and Simon Pegg of Shaun of the Dead, my other compliant is that Nick Frost(Ed) wasn't included. Oh well, good film anyways!
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