Review of Tremors

Tremors (1990)
Everyone should know a Burt Gummer.
9 September 2005
This movie shows that during times of great adversity, when your very survival is being threatened by forces or things beyond your control, it always helps to have a guy like Burt Gummer around. You know - the guy who knows what to do and is willing to do it, no matter who or what is opposing him. You know - the guy who will roll up his sleeves and get his hands dirty to make sure that whatever is broken is fixed, the guy who is part building superintendent, part auto mechanic, part infantry soldier and part lumberjack, all rolled into one. He's not a leader and he's not a follower. He's grouchy but friendly. He's not too fond of people but will give you the shirt off his back. He's a guy named Burt.
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