Good movie.
17 July 2005
Just caught "The High and the Mighty" on AMC. Hadn't seen it in more then 20 years. While the commercials were annoying and the acting was a bit soapy at times, all in all I enjoyed this John Wayne classic. What a treat. Some may say this film is dated, but I believe it has held up pretty well for being produced 51 years ago. I was thankful that AMC showed it in its widescreen version and not in "pan and scan" mode.

The film had a solid storyline. Everyone from Robert Stack, Robert Newton, Jan Sterling, to Claire Trevor, Paul Fix and Lorraine Day did a good job with their parts. The Duke gave a fine effort himself and tempered his screen persona to fit into what actually was an ensemble cast of characters. Wild Bill Wellman direction was professional as always.

Too bad they don't make entertaining movies like "The High and the Mighty" anymore.
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