Review of Alfie

Alfie (2004)
acceptable comedy for the "sex and the city"-generation
5 June 2005
Back in the sixties Michael Caine played "Alfie" and it was as British as it could be but some decades later, it looks like London lost its mod-image and therefore director Charles Shyer and his crowd decided it was better to film it in New York (even if some of the scenes are filmed in Manchester anyway). Alfie is now played by Jude Law and the critics just said that "Jude Law is Alfie". Well, what do we got here? Alfie is a Brit who immigrated to New York at where he learned the skills to conquer a lady's heart, even if his job is driving a limo. During this comedy you'll see him having relationships with five different women and apart from the sex factor, everything happens with a high and a low. But as soon as one of his "girls" got accidentally pregnant, Alfie is faced with the big question of life : isn't it time to get a real life or in other words, isn't time Mr. Family Man comes around? But what can you do if you're a wanted playboy and all women are screaming for more? Perhaps the elderly woman Liz (Susan Sarandon in her sexiest role ever) can change Alfie's way of life? "Alfie" isn't exactly the kind of movie that will change your life but its hipness and quite good performance from Law makes it a rather enjoyable comedy like we saw too less recently. Sadly enough this film didn't become the success it hoped to be, but acceptable comedies are rather rare these days.
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