JASON Goes Wild!!!!!!!!!!
22 March 2005
After the unsuccessful Friday THE 13TH PART VIII:JASON TAKES MANHATTAN, which was dumb to begin with, Paramount gave the rights to JASON to New Line. Which I think was a great idea, because they explored JASON to a different state of mind. Writers Dean Lorey & Jay Huguely and director Adam Marcus took the series in a different new look.

JASON(Kane Hodder) somehow is out of New York and is back at Camp Crystal Lake, only to tracked down and killed by the F.B.I.. This is where the fun starts, JASON heart beats an evil tone and forces a doctor to eat it, gross I know. Now JASON is transporting into people's bodies. The only way for him to be reborn is a family member, that means Jessica(Kari Keegan) or her baby. And the only person who has the weapon to stop him is the Duke(Steven Williams), with the help of her ex Steven(John D. LeMay). Will they make it in time to save the day.

This has to be one of the top 10 goriest films of all time, see the unrated version. The deaths are over the top yet fit right for this particular flick. This to me should have been called JASON goes wild, because of the harsh punishments he gives people in this. All the acting is great, especially the bodies JASON jumps into. But Steven Williams stole the whole movie with his excellent one liners and top notch deliverance for all his scenes. The only thing that hurts this movie is it's lack to explain itself for most of it's scenes. For example, "How did JASON come from New York to here?, What is the real reason for JASON evilness?", although the last one was answered, just not the way you would expect it to be and not clean it up enough. Still a good movie, but confusing.
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