Superb Hollywood myth-making.
6 March 2005
When it comes to the swashbuckling tale, there isn't a better way to put it on screen. By the time that Erroll Flynn played the role of Robin Hood, Hollywood had developed its concept of chivalry and old time story telling up to a high point which has never been surpassed. Possibly the reason is that the ideal way of presenting classic tales of universal appeal, of which "Adventures of Robin Hood" is a great example, may always be much the same.

Think of those children's classics that have remained popular ever since the 19th century. Like the Grimm Brothers, the creators of "Adventures of Robin Hood" and other great Hollywood movies of the golden age have created a standard in story telling that seems impossible to equal, which is quite a challenge to contemporary artists. How many actors today have the swordsmanship of Basil Rathbone or Erroll Flynn, or the ability those two great actors had to toss off classic dramatic lines so naturally it is as if they had arrived in Hollywood straight out of the pages of an old story book.

Commentators who complain that classic movies seem dated or artificial and need a lot of updating if remade should see this movie and compare it to films on similar themes made in the 80s and 90s. In spite of the passing years, no one has devised a better approach even for a sophisticated audience.
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