Review of Hitch

Hitch (I) (2005)
Hitch Had Me In Stitches!
15 February 2005
Alex Hitchens (Will Smith) plays what he calls himself, a "date doctor", who helps people who are less fortunate with the ladies. After some rather awkward moments as a young man, he learned some things and now passes them on to other men for a living. He must be good at what he does, too, because he has quite the nice bachelor's pad. "Hitch", as Alex Hitchens is nicknamed, has a gift for knowing how to romanticize with the women, but eventually stumbles upon Sara (Eva Mendes), who even he has a hard time keeping it cool in front of.

In the meantime, Hitch is helping out a fellow named Albert (Kevin James), who is about as unlucky with women as they come. Albert was so bad, that even Hitch almost turned down a chance at helping him, but later takes on the challenge. Kevin James did a great job as the female challenged, awkward male in love. The chemistry between James and Smith was better than the chemistry between Smith and Mendes, which is surprising.

Of course, it would not be a story if Hitch's world did not come crashing down around him at some point in the movie, so it does and you can almost guess what happens. No matter what, though, this movie is a riot. I laughed quite a bit, which is what I expected to do. I am not really into the romantic comedies, but this one was great.
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