Highly enjoyable, great fun and an all round great film
17 December 2004
My dad, an acclaimed John Wayne fan has been preaching to me for many years on the magic of John Wayne films. Personally I have never really gotten into the 'Westerns' finding them all a bit boring.

However, upon watched the good the bad and the ugly, my opinions have been changed forever. While in the 21st century, some of the camera work and sound dubbing might be a bit dated, it cannot change the true magic of this film.

The general gist of the film is 3 people, surprisingly the good (Eastwood) the bad (Van cleef) and the Ugly (Eli wallace) on the search for gold. All three go down a path of betrayal and greed, all trying to get one over on the other.

A great aspect of this film is the Ennio Morricone score which accompanies the film. The score beautifully accompanies the film by producing some memorable scenes.

I won't ruin the plot of the film for those who have yet to see it; but the final show down will have you on the edge of your seat.

Even if you are not a fan of Westerns, I would personally say that even this film may appeal to you from its sheer amount to entertain audiences from 1966 to present.

Rory Mckenna
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