The Grudge (2004)
Japanese Americanised re-make of a Japanese pilfered horror (but still quite good)
24 November 2004
Creepy ghostly phantasms appear out of nowhere, a nasty house, fairly standard horror-flick components, but nicely put together in a superficial and derivative mix that somehow is not only fairly entertaining but not entirely without artistic merit. Most of the attraction is maybe from the Japanese style episodic nature of the story telling, the judicious but unashamed special effects, and the equally Japanese tradition that says you don;t have to explain all the details of the story. I must admit I did (I am told) fall asleep at least once, but I honestly don't think I missed too much. Like about half the rest of the people there, I was practicing the spectre-like a-a-a-a-a-a at the back-of-the-throat-sound on the way out. This is the kind of silly horror film you jump in, have nightmares about, giggle stupidly when recounting it to your friends, and generally enjoy before having fun slagging it off.
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