All the powers in the universe cant save this schlock.
14 November 2004
I wanted to like this movie. I really did. Pitch Black made for a good rental but this haphazard over-hyped piece of space poop sequel did little to make me want to see the rest of the "Riddick Trilogy" the director wants to do. The plot was cliché at best and down right retarded at worst. Characters were of course one dimensional and most were pretty pointless. The effects while decent do little to change the fact that this movie's script sucked, I shudder to think that any actor would have read it and said "Hey this looks good!"

Several holes are left throughout the story and the whole thing just felt like Hollywood trying to capitalize on a big epic themed movie, ala LOTR but, you know, without all the meaning and depth.

Don't EVER SEE THIS FILM UNLESS you want something to throw your popcorn at.
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