Review of Alfie

Alfie (2004)
What it's All About
9 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers

I saw 'Alfie' weeks before it opened and wasn't going to comment on it. As a single Manhattanite in my early 30's (and a bit of a wanna-be amateur womanizer), I found it engaging, fascinating, sometimes uplifting and ultimately very real. I just assumed it would get great buzz and open very well. I was subsequently shocked by the mixed reviews because my compass is generally pretty good when it comes to predicting audience reaction -- had I seen a different movie?

Then I realized, I had . . from a certain point of view. I unwittingly empathized with Alfie's failed efforts to obtain personal fulfillment through female 'conquests' and recognized the pitfalls and risks of Alfie's behavior. But, as in most cases, by the time you understand that trusting someone can bring happiness, the opportunity to do so could be gone.

Jude Law is fantastic as Alfie. He is charismatic, handsome and tips his hand to the audience JUST enough to keep from being smarmy. Law assures us that Alfie is essentially a good person with simple wants, but he is clueless as to the tremendous impact his actions have on those around him. Because of this blindness, he carelessly romps through life, casting aside all reason and consequence so he can enjoy each moment free of guilt or worry.

Of course, the bubble can only get so big before it bursts. Alfie's brushes with testicular cancer, abortion, betrayal and true love finally force him to confront, and question, the way he lives his life. What is it all about? Alfie asks the question that never gets answered. But I think we are meant to infer from everything Alfie goes through, that life is about whatever we want it to be. The trick is deciding what that is, before it is too late.

Remake? WHO CARES?? Through my eyes, a nearly perfect film. 9/10.
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