Very well acted!Probley the best drama of 2000 if not to date!
13 October 2004
This movie is about addictions. The whole film comes across as raw,real,heartbreaking and frightening.The movie under no terms glamoizes drugs in the least.You can feel all the emotions of the four main characters from beginning to end.I was told the film was rated NC-17 for one scene involving Jennifer Connley, as in my opinion would be a mistake to cut.So be sure to see the directors cut.The films disturbing emotions are even made even more real by the quick and as far as I know,totally original camera work.See this movie for the realistic downward spiral that drugs and other addictions cause.For all the crap out there that gives people the impression that drugs are cool and harmless."Requiem For A Dream" really hits an in your face home run.
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