You must see it at least once
12 October 2004
It gets a rare 10/10 from me although it is not on my Top 10 List, mostly because it isn't a movie that anyone really enjoys watching as much as one that needs to be watched. In any case I sure can't be in a laid back mindset ready to watch an action flick and substitute Schindler's List at the last second; I gotta be ready for it.

I've watched it 3-4 times, the first time in a theater with my sister who was dying of cancer and wanted to see it. I remember one of her sons theorized that the Holocaust never happened and it was a way to justify the destruction of the Nazi regime, or some other BS, that I've heard variations of before. They just don't have any grounding in history. Even the Nazis who were hung for it didn't deny it; they were just following orders.

Its quite a movie with all the talent both on and off the screen doing some of their best work ever. Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes really should've won Oscars, but it won so many others I suppose they wanted to spread them around a little.

The fairly recently released DVD package is a bit of a throwback with an odd case and a single double-sided DVD. If there's some special reason for it I don't know what it is. It has a DTS soundtrack but the B&W video was quite harsh on my screen with very bright interior lighting sometimes bombing details to smithereens. I had to adjust my screen to watch it. I don't recall that on the old laserdisc or anywhere else. It gets quite a bit lower 7/10 rating.
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