A Taste for Killing (1992 TV Movie)
Great tension, shame about the ending.
8 October 2004
I managed to catch this film when it was on TV late at night on a channel no one watches at a time when people should be sleeping. Now this was several years ago so it shows that a film has something for it to be remembered several years on.

Two youths employed on an oil rig make friends with one of the other workers. On a visit on shore to a local bar, they have a run in with another worker who gets killed. This leads Michael Biehn's character to blackmail the two youths.

This is where the film gets good. There is a lot of tension between the youths as they try to keep everything a secret and their enemy who is invading every part of their lives. This part of the movie is great and is one of the few films that has left me wanting to know what is going to happen next.

Its sadly other parts that don't work. There's a sex scene thrown in for no real good reason but the main problem I had with the movie was the ending.

The director seems to have gone away from the tense psychological drama that was going on and decided that an action movie was what should be really going. So much so that the ending feels rushed and incomplete.

Its still a reasonable movie and worth a watch if its on TV and there's nothing else to watch. I give it 6/10.
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