It's OK to dislike this movie
6 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Despite what the elitists may say, it's ok to dislike this movie. It moves slowly, sometimes the dialogue is hard to follow, and the ending just plain sux...

That said, I DID enjoy certain aspects of the film. The pacing seems torturous at first, until you realize that it is ONLY truly slow when the main characters are apart from each other, and completely miserable. As soon as they hook up, the whole film changes, only slowing down when either the characters do, or when they separate.

Visually, it was a great movie as well. There were some great shots, some nice locations, and little splashes of color when the scene would get too boring visually.

Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson played their parts well, their chemistry DID make you forget that they were merely actors reading lines from a script...

Where the movie truly disappointed was in the end(SPOILER!!). This movie just ceases to exist... NO conflicts are resolved, nothing happens. Murray whispers in Johansson's ear, and they kiss, then he heads to the airport, that's it. It's not even like they had failed to see each other 5 minutes before in the hotel lobby. Where was this movie supposed to go? What issues were resolved? Are they both going to be completely miserable in life with their current spouses? AT least if we could have HEARD what Murray said, then maybe we would have had the idea that their 'unproductive' affair would at least be a special memory between the two. Instead, we sit there wondering what one has to do to get a copy of the movie with the ending ATTACHED!

Like I said, it's ok to dislike this movie, it doesn't mean that you are less 'special' than those who can't quit falling over themselves to praise it, it just means that you have exercised your right to not enjoy it, and they can take all their comments about how 'The Fast and the Furious' might be 'more your speed', and shove 'em.
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