The documentary delivers the message!
2 May 2003
I'm just surprised by the whole simplicity of this documentary! Strangely enough I was expecting a big budget documentary that would open up all our eyes. But ultimately it just raised an eyebrow.

Maybe that's because most people, including me, know what goes on. It's not like this matter hasn't been discussed over and over again. I think it's the fact that people can't do anything about this whole situation and therefore feel powerless, that they praise Mr. Moore' documentary and courage.

Finally getting recognition and seeing that finally someone is courageous enough to open up peoples eyes, with just a simple documentary that delivers a big message on 'American life' is commendable.

I don't think this is the best documentary I've ever seen, but it is one that you definitely should see. Just to broaden your few on the world around you. 9/10
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