Better and Better
9 October 2003
Easily the best looking Chris Seaver movie to date. Egg Salad still has a laugh every other second like previous productions, but without so much sexual perversity (save the awesome opening scene). The acting is decent, the production design has some thought put into it and the make-up effects are outstanding. This riff on LOTR is no-budget, which is part of its charm, as are all of Chris Seaver's movies. Finally, here is a guy who chose to DO SOMETHING instead of sitting on his couch wishing he had the money to make a picture. Every one of this man's movies is proof, if you want to be a filmmaker, then get off your butt and do it. You don't need money! Just a camera, some friends, and a sense of humor. Instant art! I will be looking forward to the next LBP release with great anticipation. And maybe one day I'll be able to see one in a theater! With teenape as my date!
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