Review of 28 Days Later

28 Days Later (2002)
The trashiest film I've seen for years
17 September 2004
How can the maker of superb films like Trainspotting and Shallow Grave make something as bad as this? I started with high hopes, based on good reviews, but it all began to fall apart within the first few minutes, with Cillian Murphy wandering through an empty London in silly green pyjamas, shouting "hello". And it went rapidly downhill after that. The earlier London scenes were splattered with inconsistencies, such as bodies and warning notices everywhere, although both had been conspicuously absent during Murphy's initial bewildered stroll through London.

The later scenes, with brutal squaddies in a stately home near Manchester, got even sillier, descending to the absurdities of the two females in ball gowns, while Murphy, bare-chested, turns super-hero. The final scene, echoing the early "hello", must be one of the most pathetic endings in British cinema - I'm just surprised I stayed with the movie long enough for this final disappointment.
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