28 Days Later (2002)
How NOT to make a horror film...
22 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Many people say that Danny Boyle is a gifted film maker. I will say that his directing in this movie is pretty good, and there were some good ideas. But all in all, I think that this movie would be better used as a torture method on prisoners of war.


The best thing about this movie was the beginning. The massive virus outbreak being started by environmental activists? Pure genius. A great touch of irony here. Some other things that I liked were the freaky zombies, and the all around good acting.

Now, for what I didn't like. This may take a bit...

My biggest complaint was the music. During a horror movie, when the scary stuff starts to fly and the action runs high, it's typical that you play scary music. Now, I'm all for breaking the norms in movies for something good, but playing classical/opera music during the horror scenes was a terrible idea. I am convinced that someone forgot to take their medication when the musical score was being selected. Not only did the director choose opera music for zombie food-fests, but it wasn't even scary opera music. Something cool and creepy like Bach's Tocatta and Fugue, D minor would have worked. But Boyle chose to go with nice, happy classical music, thus negating any and all potential terror to be had.

Next, the military men being type-casted once again as sex-craved maniacs. Sure, they disguised this stereotype with "the need for procreation", but the military is already seen as sex-crazed, horny people with guns. My friends and myself all saw this turn a long way coming, and I could literally hear people in the theatre audience complaining. One woman behind me said to her boyfriend "What? More horny, evil army guys? I thought that this film was going to be something original!". So much for her wishes, huh?

And Jim, for an average guy with no mentioned military training, was pretty good at taking out those army people. He never missed a shot, out-foxed them all, and would put a 6-man Delta Force to shame. Hand this guy a contract and send him to airborne school! A naturally born special forces op, what are the odds?

Well, my list of gripes is getting pretty long, so I will cut to the chase. There was no need for the poor musical selection, I saw the "big plot twist" coming shortly after the opening credits wrapped, and an entire military force missing one guy that just grabbed a gun and started shooting. Save your time, and watch "Night of the Living Dead" instead. Now, that's a zombie movie!
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