Review of Daredevil

Daredevil (2003)
29 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Why the hell did anybody like this? Ben Affleck is a terrible actor. DAREDEVIL is yet another bad comic-book-movie in a long line of bad comic-book-movies. The story isn't strong, and it's poorly told. The film uses montages to pop music to convey emotion. The "dark" edge to this movie has such high gloss that viewers might need contacts after a sitting. The visual effects are all highly unconvincing CGI, and the hero's point of view effect is over-used. The direction is unimaginative and I've seen better scripts in Saturday morning cartoons.

As if anyone should care, SPOILERS follow.

Affleck's character starts the film as a poor kid (who looks like he's fresh from the pages of Tiger Beat) living with his father who is mixed up with criminals. This soon leads us to our superhero's origin. He sees something he shouldn't, drops his A+ report card (spare me!), and winds up with toxic waste in his face. He wakes up in the hospital blind, but with all his other senses heightened enough to completely compensate for it (that's why Stevie Wonder is such a bad-ass). Through the first part we have to hear Affleck's lame narration. When grows up he's a lawyer by day and DAREDEVIL the rest of the time. Naturally, he meets an attractive girl, whom he fights for some reason (think the scene in BASIC, except dumber and without gravity). She is the stuff of centerfolds, Elektra King, whose father is in trouble with the evil Kingpin, who killed Daredevil's dad, which makes him his arch nemesis. A romance blooms and the villain does villain stuff. Daredevil becomes a problem for Kingpin, so he sends in Bullseye to frame him for Elektra's daddy's murder. The frame-up scene is so incredibly dumb that Paul Verhoven probably had a laugh on it. Elektra thinks DAREDEVIL killed her daddy, so she must become a costumed freak in order to take revenge. Costumed freak Elektra really only has time to spill some sand, misuse Eastern weapons, and die. Daredevil and Bullseye fight in a cathedral. During the epic battle, scale disappears, and the pipe-organ (which they fight on) changes size and hight several times, particularly when they are falling past it. Then comes the real showdown, between Daredevil and Kingpin (the ever misused Michael Clark Duncan). Rather than do the logical thing and kill his enemy, Daredevil leaves him alive (minus his knees). Yeah, injuring a major crime lord, identifying yourself, and leaving him alive is not the smartest thing a person can do. But superheros seem pretty dumb these days anyway.

Let's face it, people, BATMAN (1989) is the yardstick to which all superhero movies and comic book adaptations must be measured. Nothing has ever measured up (except maybe DICK TRACY). X-MEN, X2, HULK, SPIDERMAN, and DAREDEVIL are all crap, both by comparison and by their value as films. Anyone who thinks DAREDEVIL is good is either plain stupid, or an obsessed fan who shouldn't be listened to anyway. To yawn at this movie would be a compliment.
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