Final Fantasy X (2001 Video Game)
One of the best.
8 January 2002
In a line of distinguished video games such as Final Fantasy, there are bound to be games that set a new standard for the series. Final Fantasy X does just that, becoming possibly the best game in the series since Final Fantasy VI.

Final Fantasy X brings the game series into a lot of new territory. It being the first FF game for the Playstation 2 console, the graphics are even more incredible than those in any game before it. It's also the first game in the series to use spoken dialogue. Each of the main characters has a distinctive voice. While the acting isn't top notch, it's easy to listen to most of the time and the voices fit the characters well. For a first attempt, Square did a fantastic job.

Changes to the way the game works came as well. Rather than a normal leveling system, in which characters become stronger in every category by gaining X amount of experience points, the stats of each character are improved through use of the new Sphere Grid system. Characters earn points to move around the grid and use spheres to activate points, allowing them to boost individual statistics, such as maximum hit points or magic defense, as well as learn new spells and abilities.

The player also has the option to switch characters in and out of battle at will. A welcome addition, now every character can get in on a fight and gain points to use on the Sphere Grid.

Last but not least, the storyline of Final Fantasy X is wonderful. The characters have definite personality, and the protagonist, Tidus, is a great character. Unlike past Final Fantasy heroes like Squall and Cloud, Tidus isn't a brooding, stoic person lacking in the emotional department. He's outgoing, adventurous, humorous and has a full range of emotions, making him feel more like the average guy rather than yet another tragic hero.

In short, Final Fantasy X is an excellent game and shouldn't be missed. Even if you've never played a role playing game before, it's easy to pick up and learn. Years from now, fans of the series will have many fond memories of this game.
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