Review of They

They (2002)
Avoid at all costs!
20 July 2004
this ain't no horror, this ain't a suspense/thriller as you might have hoped for. the title would maybe suggest that it has an sci-fi element, but it doesn't. and the thing that bothers about this movie is, that it's technical production isn't bad at all, the shots, the lights, the scenes, the props, photography and editing are at a standard Hollywood blockbuster level even! but the story itself, the screenplay is so incredibly stupid, pointless and incoherent, that it could barely pass as something written by one person. i'm serious like, it's as though they gave a 200 word assignment with the topic called "child bad dreams" to a buncha 8-year olds, and than randomly mixed them together to form a screenplay, only cleverly changing the names of the characters to a unique predefined set :) i mean, LOTR is kinda boring, so it would be inappropriate to call this crap "boring" cause it ain't the same feeling. yes, yes, if after reading this you still decide to watch this movie (you must be a mazohist), do your family a favor and buy some ventolin before you do, because even if you never had an asthma attack in your life, i guarantee, you will now. i mentioned that the scary thing is that it looks like a real movie, only it's incredibly stupid. we all must think, where is the industry leading film nowadays, if people like the makers of this crap get this kind of a budget to make a movie.
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