The Zombie Chronicles (2001 Video)
I should be eaten by Zombies for buying this film...
24 October 2002
I should learn. God, why have I not learned. I see these movies advertised as trailers on other crappy movies, and I get hooked in....The trailer for this movie (which I saw on the unelievably crappy Terror Toons) looked interesting. I am a living dead head, and thought it looked like a good low-budget zombie flick. What I got was beyond that. Most low budget directors will at least try and make things semi-believable. IN this, you have storylines in the 70's with people driving cars and wearing clothes from the late 90's, bad acting (extremely bad acting), crappy blurry filming which I guess is supposed to be 3D, some decent, but mostly lame make-up and gore effects, and to top it off, there is some giraffe necked Zombie at the end that noone explains about....huh?

The movie lasts slightly longer than the trailer, a little over an hour, which is another rip-off. The man playing the hitch-hiker is totally ridiculous and acts as good as a cardboard cut-out. He has to be reading cue cards.

What is sad that I expected an extremely low budget flick, which is not always bad. It's the acting and direction of this film that puts it in the crapper.

If I buy another braindead film, please, Eat meeeeeeeeeee.................
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