Battle Royale (2000)
Incredible..........Disappointment (**Warning** This Film is Not for Fans of the Manga) ***SPOILERS***
10 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by stating that I absolutely love Battle Royale, not the movie, but the characters, universe, and events that occur therein. Let me also note that I had very high expectations going into the film due to the fact that I had read the novel and the manga (both of which are excellent; the manga more so) prior to viewing the film. These unrealistically high expectations have lead me to label the film a disaster, yet if a potential viewer has no prior knowledge of the manga or novel, the movie will seem much better solely for the uniqueness of the plot. Yet if a viewer were to look at the details concerning the quality of the movie overall, he would likely agree with me in that the film in fact IS a disaster. The casting, acting, intentional melodrama, editing, and even the gory effects (which consist of nothing more than spurting, splatting, and spraying blood: no frayed flesh, intestines, or brain matter, all of which would realistically be visible in the event of such violent deaths(the manga does not disappoint in this area)) are all low grade compared to that of the typical modern Hollywood film. In addition, considering that there were 42 kids to kill off in a 90 minute time frame, no time was spared for character development or background; in fact, the film merely IMPLIED several of the most interesting death sequences!!! The manga portrays every death in grim detail as well as leaving no back story uncovered (there is no way that a fan of the manga or novel could enjoy this version!).

Furthermore, the most interesting factors included in the manga and novel e.g. Kiriyama's terminator-like determination and godlike physical abilities (in the movie he was clumsy at best and resembled a petty 15 year old playing a video game), Mitsuko's succubus-like sex appeal (here she was played by a rather average looking no-name teen actress), Shogo's mature buff/chiseled look and uncanny knack for survival (here played by a scrawny nobody with the ability to roll around on the ground like a lobotomized puppy yet somehow avoided being shot to pieces at point blank with an Uzi), Hiroki's inhuman agility and mastery of Kung Fu (in the movie he fell over and died like a three legged dog), and finally Shinji's amazing athletic abilities (here he does a somersault....... into...... a blaze......... of bullets.....and dies). I do realize that the movie was created before the manga, but like I said before, this is what I was thinking after familiarizing myself with the manga.

Now I have read several reviews that note the inability of Americans to understand the essence of Japanese culture; this in regards to the seemingly ridiculously unrealistic plot, and I find it interesting that many non-Americans underestimate the intelligence of many Americans in assuming that we cannot see past our own noses. The idea that the Japanese idolize youth is apparent in all manga and anime, this is not a difficult concept to grasp, yet even with the knowledge and understanding of this cultural norm in Japan, this movie sucks. Understanding does not always yield acceptance. Hell, as stated before, I love the plot, the execution was just far below par.


(If you liked the movie GO GET THE MANGA)
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