Vanilla Sky (2001)
Listen to the first line and follow it's instructions
19 December 2001
Open your eyes...

That's the opening line. I think too many people were thinking about how the original version was called 'Open Your Eyes' instead of actually listening to that line. Simply put, if you watch this movie and you pay the slightest bit of attention, you will not be lost. The film's third act wraps everything up in a neat little package that even fans of Adam Sandler movies can understand.

So, given all of that, was the film any good? Yes.

I normally hate movies where the preview begins with, " [insert male name] had the perfect life...until one day..." but this one was very good. The first act of the film does set it up to be one of those movies where some stupid crisis comes up that turns this self-absorbed man's life around, but it ended up being so much more.

I am really surprised that Cameron Crowe did so well directing this type of film. Let's face it, from Say Anything to Almost Famous, his films have never tread on the same ground as this one. And Jason Lee was great, as always. His role was one that could have been lost in the whole rush of the film if he hadn't played it so enthusiastically.

Vanilla Sky reminded me of Mulholland Drive surprisingly enough. Both take you on a trip that seems to defy explanation. However, Mulholland Drive is clearly the superior film (as it does not require a quick summation complete with flashbacks and visual aids), but Vanilla Sky is definitely a film worth watching...and watching again.

The only potential problem with this film is the backlash it might incur. The general movie-going public (who made 'The Grinch' the top grossing movie last year) is probably still mad at Tom Cruise for making them "suffer" through Magnolia. I don't mean to come off as one of those people who try to sound superior because of their movie taste, but I don't think most people will like this film.

"Tom Cruise had the perfect career...until one day..."
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