A great movie!
28 December 2002
I have been a Trek fan since I was 3, when my mom made we watch original series reruns with her. I've never gone to a convention in Klingon armor, but I am a fan. As a fan, I must say this is an excellent film. I can't understand *at all* what anyone is complaining about. This movie has a great plot and great action. The acting is no different than the series, which is much better than most people give credit for. Former action editor-turned-action director Stuart Baird does a great job turning Nemesis into a big screen outing and not just a glorified 2 part TV episode (which is the best that could be said for ST: Insurrection).

The sole drawback here is that, in trying to replicate Wrath of Khan for the Next generation plot-wise, they have to neglect most of the regular cast, focusing on Picard almost exclusively, with help from Riker and Data. Worf, LaForge, Troi and especially Beverly Crusher could have gone for beer & a pizza and not been missed. This one is all about the villain.

And what a villain it is! Tomas Hardy as Shinzon lives up to the title and gives a great performance as what other wise would have been the cliched "evil twin" character.

Star Trek: Nemesis works as a Trek film provided you accept Captain Picard as the raison d'etre of the series (as opposed to the ensemble) but more importantly, it works as a great sci-fi/action/adventure move which would please non-trekkers were they to stumble into it. I can't wait to see it again. and what better praise can a movie get than that?
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