very strong and honest movie
20 June 2003
Friends of mine recommended it, knowing how much i love simple stories, though they thought it was rather boring.

So I went too see it and was amazed they thought it was boring! It happens seldom I see a movie which is more captivating than this one. The look in their eyes, the wonderful soundtrack and the amazing landscape enables the director to hold the moments for such a long time without losing strength. For example, when the girls are holding the fence, while their mother, on the other side of the desert holds it too. Such a strong touching scene I've never seen.

And as for the acting, it's a joy to see three girls who portray their characters with such an inner strength you almost forget they're actresses and not the real women. (after all this is a true story)

The director keeps it simple and I think that's what makes this movie so good. Nowadays we lack movies which are honest and true, so I recommend Rabbit-Proof Fence highly to everyone!
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