It's finally here....
18 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers
and you'll probably like this film (if you're a big horror or Rob Zombie fan that is). If you're not then you'll likely find it to be boring and not terribly horrifying. (Possible Spoilers) That was my impression of it at least. I'm not the biggest horror movie fan around, not that I don't like them, I've just never gotten around to seeing a lot of 'em. But I don't have to be a big fan of that genre or any one for that matter to know "House of 1000 Corpses" is a really, really bad movie. I can usually ignore plot and character development if the idea interests me, but despite these low standards for horror flicks, "Corpses" was more or less an irritating mess, with very annoying actors, not the characters, the actors themselves. I'll say this the camera work was interesting, even at times fancy (not very though) and the whole film seemed thrown together. Finally, for all the hype I heard about how bloody, gory and disturbing "Corpses" was, it didn't scare or disturb me at all. I was actually laughing quite a bit, especially during that one scene where there's what seems to be a never ending pause until the cop is shot by one of the killers, it was quite laughable. My overall impression is this film was really not worth being delayed time and time again, because it was too gory and disturbing, if anything it should have been delayed because it's a really, really bad movie. 0 out of 4 stars.
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