Much MUCH better then Reloaded!
13 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
We all had high expectations for Reloaded and to many of us it was a disappointment. Reloaded did what Back To The Future Part II did for BTTF part III, Which seemed as a giant 2hr. previews to the 3rd installment, in able to have a trilogy they threw in a pointless sequel. It's not that I didn't like Reloaded, I actually did, I thought it was enjoyable and really it wasn't pointless it was a good film but it lacked something that the original and Revolutions had mainly you felt for the characters, in Reloaded you didn't care who lived and died, they where just there and there was no real sense of danger or suspense, just action flying explosions and stunts, that got a little tiring to watch. Revolutions had a "story" to it and you felt for all the characters even Agent Smith you felt for, which is a big factor for me at least to truly enjoy a film. Hugo Weaving did such a wonderful acting job as Agent Smith, his expressions and dry humor made him very enjoyable to watch. (SOME SPOILERS) The ending was predictable as you basically knew what Neo has to do in order to establish peace between the Human and Robot race, I did think it was creative how he must become him in order to destroy him and save mankind and robot kind and the finale confrontation between Neo and Smith was very well done, unlike the battle in the park between Neo and Agent Smith's which got tiring after awhile this ultimate match was one on one and great! Another thing I enjoyed about Revolutions is that the use of the Bullet time affect was toned down allot, I personally think they over did it in Reloaded, Yes I get it they can use a slow motion effect and alter The Matrix code by it, by why show it over and over and over and over and yes over again during the action scenes? In Revolutions you already understood that and I guess the directors got that point that the audience does not need another lesson of bullet time, so this time around they mostly used Bullet time in a normal time lapse which I thought was great and actually more entertaining then the slow-mo which yes I do understand the concept and why they filmed it like that and they did use a few times but not all the time. I can go on and on about The Matrix and it's influence on film culture and the meanings and so fourth of different aspects of The Matrix series but I'll bore you and I'm sure you've read enough so I'll end now. All in all Revolutions was a great film not as good as the original but better then Reloaded, you felt for the characters and it had a great storyline, you felt the directors just got Reloaded out of the way to do Revolutions, you saw they put heart into the finale installment of "The Matrix"

I give Revolutions ***out of 4 The Matrix ****out of 4 Reloaded **out of 4
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