I liked it
6 November 2003
I wouldn't say this movie is brilliant like the original Matrix, but it is one really cool action thrill ride. The story is fast paced, with almost non-stop action. Some of the dialogue is a tad cheesy, but the amazing battle sequences more than make up for it. That really was a visual feast.

It doesn't quite have the depth of the original; a lot of the questions asked in the first two movies were left unanswered; and a lot of things introduced in Reloaded wasn't built upon. But when a movie looked as good as Revolutions does, I never really notice any of its flaws while I watched it.

The only complaint I had was that the final confrontation was a bit anticlimatic. I won't say anything about it, but it pales in comparison in terms of visuals to any of the other previous fight sequences done in the entire Matrix series.

Overall, I think this movie lived up to my expectations of a Matrix sequel. Frankly, if they made this movie like 45 minutes longer to explain the premise and cut the entire Matrix Reloaded, I wouldn't have minded.
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