Absolutely Brilliant!
5 November 2003
With all the bad reviews of this film I expected it to really stink!

My worst fear was the it wouldn't answer all the questions it set up in Reloaded.

Thank goodness I was completely wrong!

In the first act, Neo visits the Oracle and asks her why he could stop the Sentinals at the end of Reloaded. She answers him in a very plain and simple fashion that only a fool wouldn't understand.

Nearly all the other questions are answered as well, if perhaps sometimes in a more subtle manner.

The brothers set up the trilogy in the very first episode to have Neo play the role of the Savior, and they follow through all the way - pulling no stops!

It was executed brilliantly! I couldn't ask for a better finish!

After another viewing, I'm certain ALL my questions would be answered and I would give it 10 out of 10. As is, I still am a tad uncertain about 1 minor detail: Who was the "Mother of the Matrix" that the Architect mentions in Reloaded?

I am pretty sure it was the woman who shared the last scene with the Architect, but would need another viewing to be certain.

After first viewing, my score is a very strong 9 out of 10.
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