Not Up To Par
3 August 2002
I bought this film on DVD after hearing that it was Charlotte Rampling's best role/work since The Night Porter and having always been a big fan of hers, I promptly went out and bought the DVD. Needless to say, I was quite disappointed. While Rampling is great in it (when is she not?), the movie itself just didn't stand up. I kept finding myself saying, "What's the point?" Not a good thing to find yourself doing in the midst of viewing a film. I blame this not on the actors but rather on the director. Where was his sense of direction when he made this film. Was he just so happy to have Rampling that he came up with the story as he went along or what? This is not a movie that I would recommend unless you're just killing time watching cable - even then, better to just pick up a book. That being said, I hope to see Rampling again in something else soon. She is unique, one of a kind and always a pleasure to watch.
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