I have seen worse.. AND better!
10 September 2002
I happened to catch this movie on cable the other day, and my favorite part of the movie was that I never paid theater prices to see it. The story does suffer from too many holes in the plot, but somehow those holes don't completely sink the boat. There are more convolutions in the plot than twists at contortionist's convention, and sometimes these twists strained the suspension of belief that is required to get through the rest of the movie. The story centers two children who are sent to live with the Glasses who were friends of thier parents after those parents are killed in an automobile accident. Turns out the parents had quite a nest egg stored away, and soon the motivations of everyone involved begin to smother the rest of the story. Its a typical suspense movie that lacks many of the essential elements that would other wise make it truly suspenseful. The best thing in the movie is 20 year old Leelee Sobieski who I am sure will be gracing the screen for sometime to come. This is an ok movie for a rainy Saturday afternoon, but if its not raining, take a walk instead.. you will enjoy it more!! :O)
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