Review of Unbreakable

Unbreakable (2000)
M. Night on "unbreakable" streak
16 December 2000
Who is M. Night Shymalan and how did he get so good?

This movie is a masterwork, just as "The Sixth Sense" was. The viewer is kept in suspense from the beginning and intrigued with the mystery of "Who is David Dunn?" "Why doesn't he even know himself?" "What can he do?" "What WILL he do?" The direction contributes to the mood and I believe that M. Night will be nominated for Best Director and also Best Original Screenplay at the Academy Awards.

The beginning sequence is perfectly put together, camera angles, mood, conversation, building suspense through the use of sound to a trainwreck that we never actually see, but have experienced already in our imaginations. The score also enhances our experience at just the right moments. The acting is adequate; Bruce Willis does not deliver his lines with much conviction sometimes, but his facial expressions more than make up for that.

If there is a weak part of the film, I would say that it is the relationship between David and his wife. A little too much time is spent letting us know that there is something not quite right there. But, hey, I am just nitpicking here...this is a brilliant film, it creates a mood, it is beautifully executed and it deserves a Big 9, which is just what I gave it.
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