Review of Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor (2001)
Worth the ticket price
23 June 2001
I almost didn't go to see this movie. Reviews have been wishy-washy at best, and Roger Ebert's usually insightful comments raised a laugh but certainly lowered expectations...he gave this film a grim 1 1/2 stars. I don't think that's fair.

Last night I sat in an almost-full theatre, and for three hours all of the people around me were glued to the screen. There were some laughs (my husband and I chuckled heartily at the movie cliches and the "put your hand over your heart" squeeky-clean patriotism), a few gasps, and more than a few tears. The young woman sitting next to me was reduced to hiccupy sobs at least four times in the film, and watched the bombing scene with her hand to her mouth. She was not alone.

This movie is entertaining. In that sense, it's a good movie. It's not a great movie. It will not bring historical enlightenment, it has no surprises or unexpected plot twists, it's not profound, and it follows the Hollywood formula. I guess some folks expected more than just entertainment from a movie with a super-sized budget, talented actors, and a historic event loaded with potential. But if you ignore what it COULD be, and look at what it is, you get a decent movie with wide appeal that's certainly worth more than 1 1/2 stars.

My teenage daughter is going to see it next weekend with her friends, and I'm sure they will all like this film. (They're too young to have seen "From Here to Eternity" or "Tora, Tora, Tora" so will miss the obvious--and for some, unfavorable--comparisons.) I've written to my parents, who live in Hawaii and who don't go to movies much, that they'd like this one and should see it. That's 3-generations worth of appeal. It's a great date flick: The girls can feel all warm and fuzzy over the romance, and the guys will like the action. It's "Titanic" with bombs.

My advice? Read the wishy-washy reviews, if you want. Read Roger Ebert's for a laugh, if you want. But don't be too discouraged. Don't expect too much, and you will be pleasantly surprised. I had an enjoyable and entertaining three hours for the cost of a movie ticket, and reckon that's worth a firm thumbs up for a summer blockbuster.
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