Alien Blood (1999)
It's a film that boldly goes where the `X-Files' should have!
12 January 2003
For me Alien Blood represents a true indi film experience! It's the type of film where no two can agree as to what its about.

Jon Sorenson has crafted a haunting maze of images that are at times so breathtaking that its worth seeing Alien Blood for that alone. Indeed I felt I was on a very cool acid trip as I watched the story unfold and develop. It's a film that boldly goes where the `X-Files' should have gone but never had the guts! Ya gotta love it.

Add to that a pure visual approach to the story telling and you enter the land of CINEMA - a story told with images, mood, events, without relying on insipid explanatory `spoon fed' dialog. Bravo!

Mr. Sorenson's expertise in SFX is well played as he create some the best indi EFX I have ever seen. The Efx are worth the wait and bring the film to its dramatic crescendo much like the arrival of the mothership in Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Finally there is the very hand use of erotica which is so subtle and sensual that to say more would burst the glowing bubble of it in my mind.

All said - the truth is way out there baby!
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