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23 March 2001
Looking for a film that will open your eyes to the world around you, that will engulf you like nothing else? Go watch Princess Mononoke. Looking for a film that will show what fantasy is all about? Go watch Time Bandits. If, however, you are looking for a shameless, plot-hole-ridden, Jeremy-Irons-powered big ol' greasy CGI-fest of a movie, you've got it right here. Yes friends, D&D is just as bad as you think it is, but at least it's quite entertaining.

Um...isn't Jeremy Irons a good actor? What is he smoking here? Your guess is as good as mine, but he hams up most every scene he has with hilarious efficiency. John Steiner (of Sinbad fame) should be proud for the homage, though I think Irons was in on the joke. Thora Birch (the teen-angst chick from American Beauty) doesn't fare near as well, with her amazing cross-pollination of William Shatner with Queen Amidalia. She manages to get the worst aspects of both, while still giving a completely straight delivery-I'd venture to say she's worse than Irons. Oh, the others need some work for sure, but those two are standouts.

The hero guy is passable but imminently forgettable, Marlon Wayans is...surprise, Marlon Wayans, the dwarf is there for the sole reason that he is a dwarf-a tall one at that, and the elf-lady knows entirely too much about the plot. I guess the best actors are really the mage girl, who does a decent job with what she has, and the blue lipstick guy, who would be more credible if not for his makeup job. It's hard to be cowering in fear from a man who looks like he just had his Mary Kay makeover...I'm guessing he's a winter.

But I'm going into too much detail. It's fun, gosh darn it! It has big CGI dragons fighting each other! It has overacting out the gazombus! It has an incomprehensible ending! It's hardly like the paper game or the books! Get your MST3K gang together, and go to town. Now that's entertainment.
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