Review of Premiere

Farscape: Premiere (1999)
Season 1, Episode 1
Good start, but has become awful
20 April 2001
When this series first started, I actually found it very engaging. The first season was very well-done, with a lot of good episodes strung together. The second season started out okay, but towards the end, you could see that the writers were starting to forget what they were trying to achieve.

The good side: Engaging characters (at least in the beginning), and an interesting premise. Star Trek meets the Fugitive. Excellent puppeteering and good makeup. The lead, Ben Browder, is an excellent actor, and the female lead, Claudia Black, is also good. The first season was a standout season, which isn't the case with many shows, which improves over time.

The Bad: As I said, most TV shows improves over time, but Farscape seems to have gone the other way. While the First Season was outstanding, the second was mediocre, and now, Season Three has begun, and things could be a heck of a lot better. For one, interesting characters are killed off and annoying and utterly infuriating characters are introduced and apparently going to stay on. These characters, like the Jool and Rygel character, have nothing to contribute to the storyline or the show as a whole, but only exists to be utterly annoying and try the viewer's patience. (As you'll notice, it's tried this person's patience so much that he's stopped watching Farscape.)

Another bad point is the meandering stories. Episodes are now going nowhere, with weirdness thrown in for weirdness's sake. Where Season One had a coherent story thread, and Season Two was also fine in this regard, Season Three is seemingly going for the "weirdness" factor, which, though not bad in itself, weirdness for weirdness's sake is just...stupid. The show no longer has any focus and even the familiar characters are being annoying and trying the viewer's patience. I could no longer stand it, and hence, have turned this show off.

If they keep going in this direction, I fear what's ahead. But, hopefully, things might get better. Hopefully, but until then, I'm staying off the ship.
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