The Scariest Thing About This Movie is the Money It's Made
18 December 1999
Many have already commented on the vapid plotline of this movie. I have to add my vote to that with the further remark that there is little if no characterization in Blair Witch. Not unless you like whining twenty-some-year-olds who adore using the "f" word a lot.

About half way through, bored out of my mind, I not only was rooting for the witch, but feeling aggressive myself. If there had been "kill Heather" or "kill Josh" buttons to push on my VCR, I would have punched them without an ounce of regret.

The only good things going for Blair Witch is that it would be fairly creative for a high school class project (if it were one) and that it attempts to create suspense without all kinds of overblown special effects. Still, if the writers/directors/etc. had read an article or a book on how to create horror/suspense, they would have developed characters with which the audience could identify (I hate to think about who DOES identify with this bunch) and who have more of a personal stake in finding out about the legend of the witch.

If you're really curious, rent this for 99 cents like I did -- though you may still feel cheated.
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