severe logic problems dampen otherwise fine shocker
3 December 1999
Warning: Spoilers
*** I'm sad to say The Blair Witch Project did not scare me at all. And I really wanted to be scared too. Part of the problem for me was that I couldn't get past a couple of very basic errors in the film. If I did, I too could have been dragged into their world and had the bejeezus scared out of me like so many others. Don't get me wrong, this is a very unique and effective film. There is strong work by the actors, with only occasional groan-inducing over-acting. And the pacing, setting, and art direction were more than adequate. I just had some major problems getting "into" the film because of a couple of huge logic problems I'll describe below (may be considered very slight spoilers).

For one, it just seemed impossible to get that lost in the woods (in MD anyway). To walk for days and days without seeing train tracks or an old road or a fence (of a farm or something). It is hinted that supernatural forces are keeping them in the woods. They even had a couple of "How to survive in the woods" books. Surely they would say to follow one those streams, or climb a tree on the top of the hill. Not much of a film if they got un-lost maybe, but technically they walked about 40 hours and found nothing??!! maybe in Alaska or Wyoming, but certainly not 60 miles outside DC. I think a bit more creativity on the writing staff was warranted. A slight injury to one of the party, or cut the adventure back a day or two. I've been lost in the woods - you walk till you hit the water then you follow the shore. you don't criss cross it a billion times like an idiot.

Also, the constant filming. They made attempts to explain why ( "It's all I have left." - apparently her will to film was stronger than her will to survive - quite a feat indeed). They filmed even when running for their lives. Again, without the constant filming you get no story, but maybe there was another way out.

So there you have it: I'm one of those people who has a bit more trouble suspending disbelief than others. So if you can suspend your disbelief, say goodbye to bejeezus, because it's going to be scared out of ya. But if you're like me, it'll be an interesting and unique film, not without merit, but without scares.
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